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Can Pressure Washing Remove Mold and Stains from Your Deck or Patio?

Armadillo image

Spoiler: Yes, It Can!

Alright, Central Texas folks, let’s get real for a moment. Your deck or patio has seen better days, hasn’t it? Between the grime, mold, and mysterious stains that seem to pop up overnight, you’re probably wondering if there’s any hope left. Well, let me tell you – there is, and it comes in the form of pressure washing.

Why Mold and Stains are Bad

Mold and stains are like uninvited party crashers. Mold can be slimy and slippery, making your deck or patio unsafe to walk on. And those stains? They just look yucky! But there’s good news – pressure washing can help!

Will Pressure Washing Really Work?

Yes! Pressure washing is like magic for your outdoor spaces. Here’s how it helps:

  • Goodbye Mold: The high-pressure water blast breaks up the mold and washes it away. No more slippery, slimy stuff!
  • Adios Stains: Whether it’s from food, drinks, or just dirt, stains don’t stand a chance against a pressure washer. Your deck or patio will look brand new!
  • Hello Happy Patio: Once cleaned, your outdoor space will be ready for fun again – think BBQs, parties, or just relaxing with a book.

The Magic of Pressure Washing at Central Texas Window Cleaning

You see, we’re not just about making windows sparkle. We bring the same level of dedication to our pressure washing services. Oh, and did we mention we’ve been at this for more than 16 years? Yes, that’s right. Over sixteen years of blasting away dirt, grime, and all things gross from decks, patios, sidewalks, driveways, balconies, and fences.

Pressure Washing: Our Concrete 4-Step Process

professional in brown uniform pressure washing concrete

When it comes to pressure washing concrete, we don’t just show up and hope for the best. We’ve got a well-oiled (and by that, we mean meticulously planned) 4-step process:

  • Customer Concerns First: We address any concerns you may have regarding staining or discoloration.
  • Education Is Key: We educate you about any additional work needed to tackle those stubborn stains or dark spots caused by algae and mold. Yes, there might be an extra charge for special products, but only if necessary.
  • High-Pressure Magic: Armed with commercial-grade equipment, we use a high-pressure washing system and a perfect mix of water and Sodium Hypochlorite to obliterate dirt and debris.
  • Final Rinse: We do a final rinse to ensure every nook and cranny is as clean as a whistle.

Pressure Washing Decks: Our 5-Step Process

Pressure washing decks is a whole different ball game, but guess what? We’ve got a 5-step process for that too:

  • Deck Evaluation: We start by figuring out what type of deck we’re dealing with – wood or composite.
  • Clearing the Deck: We carefully remove any furnishings that might get in the way.
  • Damage Check: Before we start, we make note of any damage like mold, rot, or algae.
  • Gentle Yet Effective Cleaning: Using a soft solution, we clean all dirt and debris. For those pesky mold and algae spots, a bit of Sodium Hypochlorite does the trick.
  • Rinse and Replace: We rinse the entire area and put all your furnishings back just where we found them.

Oh, and a quick heads up: If you want your wood deck stripped, there will be an additional fee. Trust us, it’s worth it.

Why Choose Central Texas Window Cleaning?

Sure, there are cheaper options out there. But here’s the tea: we offer a 110% money-back satisfaction guarantee. Yes, you read that right. Plus, we’re the only company in Texas that gifts a bag to every customer at every job. And the kicker? We guarantee estimates within 72 hours, or lunch is on us. 

We’re also mindful of our planet. For every customer, we plant a tree through One Tree Planted. And because we believe in giving back, we support young adults with disabilities through the Berry Good Farms non-profit group. 

So, if you’re tired of staring at that grimy deck or patio, book your pressure washing service with us by calling 512-900-4411. Let’s bring your outdoor spaces back to life and say goodbye to mold and stains!

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