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How Do You Tell if Your Gutters Need Cleaning? A Smart Guide to Keeping Your Home in Check

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Gutters play a crucial role in protecting your home from water damage, but they often go unnoticed until there’s a problem. So, how can you tell when they need a little TLC? Here’s a smart and practical guide to help you spot the signs.

Waterfall Simulation in Your Yard

Ever notice a mini Niagara Falls cascading off your roof during a rainstorm? Surprise! It’s not a new natural wonder; it’s your neglected gutters screaming for help. When water spills over the sides, it’s a clear sign that debris has set up camp and isn’t planning to leave anytime soon.

Plants Growing Where They Shouldn’t

If your gutters are doubling as a botanical garden, it’s time to act. We get it, you’re all about nature, but gutters aren’t supposed to look like a scene from “Jumanji.” Those plants are thriving on the muck that’s clogging your system, and it needs to go.

Sagging Gutters

Is your gutter system looking more droopy than a tired puppy? Sagging is a dead giveaway that they’re weighed down by debris. It’s time for a lift—no, not a facelift, but a good cleaning. Otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for a world of water damage.

Pests and Critters

If you’ve got more wildlife in your gutters than in your backyard, it’s time to get serious. Birds, rodents, and insects love clogged gutters, and unless you’re running a petting zoo, this is not the kind of houseguest you want.

Overflowing Water During Light Rain

Notice water splashing over even during a drizzle? That’s your gutter’s way of saying, “I’m full; please clean me.” Don’t ignore this cry for help, unless you enjoy dealing with mold, mildew, and basement flooding.

The Reliable Choice: Central Texas Window Cleaning

professional standing on ladder cleaning gutter

Let’s Face It, gutter cleaning isn’t fun! We also know it isn’t exactly exciting, but ignoring clogged gutters can cause serious damage. Who has time for that? Luckily, Central Texas Window Cleaning is here to help with our thorough 6-step gutter cleaning process:

Access the Gutter System: 

We carefully protect your landscaping (because, duh, we care about your property).


Check for loose or damaged components—because what’s the point of cleaning if it’s all going to fall apart?

Debris Removal:

We hand-clean and bag all debris (no shortcuts here, folks).

Bagging and Disposal:

All debris is placed in refuse bags and put at the curb for City pickup. You’re welcome.

professional in blue shirt cleaning debris from gutter and roof of home


We water or sound test all gutters to ensure proper flow. No blockages allowed.

Final Touches:

We ensure your water spicket is turned off and hose is back in its original place. We leave things better than we found them.

What else do you need to know?

  • Gutter Guards – If your guards weren’t installed by us, we won’t touch them. We’re not here to void warranties.
  • Underground Downspouts – We’ll flush them out as best as we can, but you’re on the hook for any plumbing issues.
  • Roof Valleys – We clean them with a gutter pole, but there’s an upcharge. No free rides here.
  • Safety First – We don’t walk on rooftops. Period. Safety over everything.

Ready to Avoid the Hassle and Prevent Water Damage?

Call us now at 512-900-4411. Trust Central Texas Window Cleaning to take care of your gutters with expert attention. Keep your home—and your feet—dry and safe.

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